Canada bagels 24 * 7

Having traveled in Canada this summer – actually a postage stamp part of it really – Vancouver and Vancouver Island, which is about as big as England in itself – there is an array of places to discover as far as ating is concerned. Food trucks galore – and elaborate in the way only north amercians can do.

So we fund the following places by chance – it is not meant to be the best of BC, just places i went to who i though were great: good food, reasonable pricing and friendly service.

Jiggers fish and chips ( was mouth wateringly good and would appear on any good food guide too, not just mine. They are truck in Uvclcuelet with inside and outside seating.

Bread and Honey cafe ( was an oasis in Parksville : wonderful hash browns and was rather taken by serving cherry jam with the eggs.

Siegel’s Bagelsseigels fire ( in Vancouver is a must: watch the wood oven with wonder as bagels come out 24 * 7. Great Rosemary and rocksalt bagel with just cream cheese is wonderful.


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