Halloween Bagel

The clocks are back and orange colours dominate the sunset, and the forecourts of most supermarkets, big and small as pumpkins and squash abound.

With so many scary and confusing things going on in the world (Israeli killing protesters in Gaza yet again, fanatical right wing shooting of Jews in Pittsburgh, 1 million Muslims detained in camps Northern China) it seems a bit odd to create make belief scariness, but there will be some method in it i am sure.

Red Kuri Squash

Scary or not,  i had a bit of fun making this  Halloween Bagel. The serious ‘foody’ thing is the colours and flavours just blend really well.

Take a small squash, I used a red kuri as pictured but you could also use a small pumpkin, wrap in silver foil and bake on a medium oven for about an hour or until soft.  The aim is to be able to have it cooked but not have the flesh fall apart. (Test by using a baked potato skewer and seeing if it easily goes through the flesh: you want a bit of resistance not an easy slide)

As it nears being cooked slice some halloumi (quite thick) and place on a gentle heat in a fry pan. Turn every so often so it cooks both sides. Don’t be tempted to speed up the cooking as it takes away from the succulence of the cheese.

Take a plain bagel – or any other bagel from the Tower of Bagel range, or one you made at Bagel School – and slice in half.

Take the squash from the oven when ready and slice off the lid and allow to cool so it is easier to handle.  When you can handle the heat scoop out the seeds carefully. (Don’t forget the halloumi! – I only say that because i have and it is so disappointing).

Now with the squash on sitting on its bottom, slice chunks downwards.  Place a bed of rocket on the bottom of the bagel and then place some slices of squash (or pumpkin). Place the halloumi when ready to the sides of these, almost like the act as a barrier to the squash leaking out (hence the thick slices).

Chop a chili pepper of your choice finely and sprinkle to taste with a bit of salt.  Take two more  – red with stalks are best, something like the Dagger Pod maybe – and see if you can insert them by the stalk in to the flesh of the squash.

Get some curved ones and they can be like claws.

Now spread some harissa on the side. And there you have it. Halloween Bagel!


  • 1 bagel of choice
  • 1 squash or small pumpkin
  • 1 chilli of choice
  • 2 chillis like Dagger Pod
  • Two thick slices of Halloumi
  • Salt and pepper to taste



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