Community lockdown bake version 2

So, here we are again, in lockdown; but this time there doesn’t seem to be the novelty buzz! I hope everyone is well and feeling ok.

100 per cent wholemeal loaf

I am re-starting the community bake that i did during the Spring and Summer lockdown last year. If you live on Shirebrook, Kent or Albert Road in Sheffield and this interests you please email me.

I have been thinking about this for a while and how best to do it . Last lockdown, it all got a bit much, hence restricting it to a delivery service only and a small number of streets.

So, some things will be the same, some things have changed.  The same:

  • Lovely bread :))
  • Weekly email on a Thursday or Friday with a link to fill in the form. 
  • Payment by BACS

The changes:

  • This is for delivery to houses on Shirebrook, Albert and Kent Roads only. No collection service. (Apologies if you do not live on these streets in Sheffield!)
  • Bread will be delivered to your house between 8.30 and 9.30 am – please be sure to leave a bag out. Don’t worry, i will remind you!
  • For the moment, Thursday bake only.
  • I have a limit on numbers so first come first served. But, if i have run out, your order can be carried over to and prioritised for the following week. (You indicate this on the form)
  • No auto response this time. I will email you on Monday with confirmation and the price .
  • Please pay by Thursday evening using your reference number, which I will give you in your confirmation.

Thanks very much. Keep safe


A pod of challah

I am wondering what the collective noun is for challah. They seem magical things like dolphins, so i am calling them a pod

a school of challah

I loved baking this challah – seeing them laid out proudly, they seemed to gain extra pride from their number stength . I always like the careful braid from three (or four or five or six) unprepossessing ropes of dough, and then a bread with life and magic glazed with egg (or honey solution) and scattered with poppy seeds.